Sunday, December 31, 2017

The amazing today

Today is all there is. Yesterday is gone and is no more than a figment of imagination and some fragile memories. Tomorrow is all but a mystery, no amount of resources can predict it 100%. All we are left with is today. This moment. All the powers of the universe are with everyone who wishes to see it. Gratitude for the present moment makes it even more amazing. What you focus your attention on, you will be presented with more of. Like attracts like. And this universe does nothing more than to serve as a reflection of your thoughts and energies. Send out positive thoughts and you get positivity in return. It's like looking into the mirror. The reflection is still you. If your mind is interpreting it as dull and unattractive, the reflection will indeed look like that. That is why complaining personalities will never run out of things to complain about. Give the opposite a chance and you will be positively surprised every day, when every thing will seem to miraculously fall in place. Whenever I come across an optimistic person, he/she appears to be a ray of bright light lighting up the space. They seem to be have this infectious quality about them that spreads like wild fire. Everyone wants to be around them. On the contrary, no one wants to be around a negative person, they are detested behind their back even if it looks like they have lots of friends on the surface. For a person who has been on the path of negativity for a long time, this might sound too good to be true to be able to magically spin things around. But a little change goes a long way. Start by appreciating the little good things around you. Don't go for out of the world achievements. Waking up in the morning and brushing your teeth should be an achievement in itself. Having a good breakfast, exercising, spending time with your family all count as blessings. Never take anything, absolutely anything for granted. And soon you will notice changes around you. Don't be on the lookout for appreciation though, or you will tire yourself out. But when you do receive them, make a point to notice it and document it. Because that will act as a motivation for tomorrow. And sooner than you thought, there will be a life changing transformation that will not only turn your life around, but will affect those around you. And it will feel amazing! Happy new year :)